Military Bar

Date: 3/4/2018

By ✨🔮DreamJournal📓

The dream starts off with me running I see other people running that I knew people were running forwards and the opposite direction it was basically a marathon until I here Mr. Brigante our P.E coach in elementary he was saying “ hearing a lot of farting noises when I was hoping to get some fresh air!” I giggled a little bit as I ran passed him saying that. Next scene is running towards my house “ stop thinking about food my brain is telling me to eat junk food worry about running instead “ I told myself so I kept running I led to a stop when this white car pulled over for me so I got in they took me to this military bar which at the time I didn’t know it was a bar I thought it was a basic military training camp. The scene for some odd reason starts over again I was running and was looking for another car I ran a little further than last time eventually I find a red car that picks me up I told them to go to the military basic training camp but here is where I realize that it’s a bar they didn’t serve any drinks my dad my brother were old enough to get drinks, but I wasn’t I was the only girl there which kinda made me feel a bit uncomfortable there was a voice that said “ are you waiting for puppies “ no one said that, but I heard as if it were talking to me so my dad, me, and my brother all wait for the puppies, but it was taking to long so sadly the dream ended.