"Do you feel alone?"

Date: 11/13/2016

By ThatTherianKid

In my dream, I woke up in a dark room. There was one window, a sky light. The only thing I could see was the moon, glowing bright white. There was a creaking in the background, and I whipped around, trying to see it. A large, muscular man with pale skin, black eyes and hair, and large orange bat wings walked out of the shadow. "The darkness is everywhere, isn't it, Bree?" he asked, and I nodded. He hummed, before saying, "Darkness, Darkness, everywhere...". He looked around, before starting right at me. "Do you feel alone?" he hissed before walking closer, holding me down before biting my throat out. The last thing I saw and heard was my blood dripping down his chin as he swallowed my flesh. "The subtle grace of gravity." he bit down on my neck, eating more of me before whispering, "The heavy weight of stone." I then woke up