Date: 7/22/2018
By astralArbitrary
I’m in my old house, and, hilariously enough, JonTron is seated at the head of the table in the kitchen along with 1 or 2 of his “friends” though not ones I recognize at all. Also in my house is this other boy, maybe 9 or 10 years old that I don’t know. Apparently, Jon wants to kill me and the boy? What the fuck? Like he doesn’t say it or anything that implies it, but I sure know it. Also, the presence of the Operator is there, somewhat, and I don’t know why. For some reason me and the boy decide to play into whatever he wants so we have an opportunity to kill him. He says he wants tea on fine china so we agree and go into the formal living room, which isn’t where the China was in my old house, but whatever. It was on the wall near the fireplace and couches, and we open it up, and it’s actually really huge and complex inside. We call back into the kitchen and ask if he wanted a specific kind (English, Chinese, etc.) but he never responded so I just picked out some white and blue pieces and brought it back in. When I come back in, the boy with me is now wearing a sharp sort of school uniform and I introduce him as one of Anna’s friends from a prestigious school and that he’s going to be helping us out. I never brought over any actual tea making things, but I pour a cup of tea on the table where Jon is sitting from a teapot that I don’t see(?) and ask if he wants and milk or sugar but he says no, he just wants it mandarin(?). I slide it over to him and he says that he wanted hotdogs, and I don’t know how to make hotdogs but it doesn’t matter because the dream sort of shifts around a bit and now me and the boy are back in the formal living room and we’re desperately trying to come up with a way to kill him before he kills us. We think for a moment and then I conveniently notice my violin case sitting open on the sofa of which we’re crouching in front of, and get the idea to garrote him to death with one of the old strings, which is strange because my strings never broke at the old house and the strings we say were also probably too long and thick for a violin, more like piano wire. I tell the boy the plan and he doesn’t seem very scared. I hold onto the wire, by the plan is to pass it to him when Jon isn’t looking and then come up behind him and hopefully strangle him to death. Suddenly we’re back in the kitchen and talking to Jon, but I don’t remember what it was we were talking about but we were moving around. I secretly pass the wire on and the boy takes it, but he’s kind of swinging it around so Jon might be able to see it and it makes me nervous. He doesn’t notice, though. Jon’s “friends” are there, but throughout the dream they kind of pop in and out and don’t really do anything except scowl and be scary. Somewhere in the middle of the dream, there was also some sort of interlude where I was playing Mario and not doing good or something before heading back into the dream. Now, my mother’s in the room, but she doesn’t question why Jon and his friend(s) are there and also doesn’t know that they want to kill me. I make my way over to her and desperately whisper that they’re going to kill me and she whispers secretly back to tell them that I’m pregnant(?) so they might change their minds(?) or something. Throughout the dream, I check the clock and see that it gets later and later by a huge degree each time, like one time I look it’s 11 pm, and next I look it’s 3 am, and all I think is that “Wow, time sure flies when you’re scared.” Now, the presence of the Operator gets ramped up by a whole lot, and lights go off and stuff and when I turn them back on they’re weak. Someone starts slamming on the door and the whole house shakes from small tremors in the ground and stuff. I get terrified, so I grab a white duvet(?) off the couch and wrap it around myself and grab a butter knife from the table. This, thankfully, is just about where I woke up.