Lost my hold on it.

Date: 11/6/2016

By Larss91

Started out as a normal dream. A never ending wait for a show that I'll never know what it was. I just kept having trouble with my seat, and my mouth was dry. My friends that I've never met sitting next to me waiting patiently kept asking why my mouth is dry and my spit is dried up but I have no answer. After a while my cousin walks up and says that I need to move my stuff, which happens to be laid out in a parking spot with a car waiting to park there. I begin to move it when it hits me: I'm dreaming. I know the drill-I've been practicing lucid dreaming for a while. But my problem wasn't that. Everything was fading. Now, take in mind that the one thing I've wanted to do since my start of practicing lucid is to speak with any figure of my subconscious. However try as I might I have never been able to speak outside of a normal dream. This time I could. I could yell at the fading creatures but they wouldn't listen. The only figure left started walking away into the nothing. I woke up having to pee and my mouth was so dry from breathing with my mouth open that I had to go get water... sorry for the long story!