Date: 6/27/2020
By UpstreamDreams
It was exactly what it sounded like. This guy, a secret magical boy in hiding, lived on a high traffic planet as some sort of accountant or something with his gaggle of weirdos. But they were planning on leaving the planet once they got enough money to repair their ships engine, which didn't come to fruition as the big galactic empire in charge came and took the ship along with all the money for violating some law or something. The main guy ended up taking a job excavating stuff from the bottom of the various oceans and they got enough money to get some crappy ship and, under fake names, got into some big library with archives and everything anyone could ever need to read. There was a segment that was cut off from the rest of the library showing some of the terrible things the empire did and showing old records of other magical people like the main guy, who were eventually outlawed and hunted.