Terminal with the baby

Date: 6/24/2023

By smitra11

I am traveling in place of Chintu to some far off destination. With me is a baby. The plan was hastily drawn up. It was supposed to be Chintu instead of me. Last minute I had to buy my ticket and pack my bag. I went to airport and Chintu was there with the baby and the luggage. He handed over the bag pertaining to the baby and moved on. Then I remembered that my luggage is not with me. With the baby in my arm I couldn't possibly dash to get my bag in the crowded terminal. So I looked for Chintu who was still visible in the crowd. But he couldn't hear me. I shouted out his name at least a dozen times before his attention was drawn. He came but said time was too tight now to fetch my bag and instead offered his suitcase to me. He said his clothes will fit me. I insisted he get mine. I didn't like the idea of taking his suitcase. So he left looking for my bag. I waited with the baby.

AI generated interpretation This dream could potentially indicate a sense of feeling unprepared or under equipped for a task or responsibility that has been thrust upon you. The fact that the plan was hastily drawn up can denote a lack of planning or preparation, and the last-minute nature of it could indicate a feeling of being forced into something without proper time to prepare. The presence of the baby in the dream could represent a sense of vulnerability or perhaps a new responsibility that you are not entirely comfortable with. The fact that you were handed the bag pertaining to the baby could represent a sense of being burdened with additional responsibilities or tasks. The crowded terminal and the difficulty of finding Chintu could suggest that you are feeling overwhelmed or possibly even lost in regards to this new task or responsibility. The fact that Chintu eventually offered his suitcase to you, but you refused and instead insisted on him finding your bag, could represent a sense of pride or perfectionism in wanting everything to be just right and the way you want it. Overall, this dream might indicate a sense of frustration or uncertainty regarding a new responsibility or task that has been thrust upon you, and a desire for everything to be perfectly organized and arranged.