Don’t know if lucid or dream about lucidity??

Date: 2/7/2018

By lmlib

Yaaay finally. The dream started out and I was in some kind of hamdmaids tail situation. They kept us girls in tiny cells. I wanted to steal some books that they were about to shrek up. I snuck out of my little gate because the person purposely kept it unlocked and opened a bit. While they were talking I snuck low over behind a filing cabinet which had more than just books. I remember I was supposed to get a certain kind of book. There were puzzles and funny faces that were stickers. I grabbed a few things. The rustle of the packets would’ve given me away but I just told myself she couldn’t hear it and she never did. (This probably was one of the reasons I became lucid kinda) Now I was with my family. I think I was still on the same place. I was looking out a window and I was like hey ain’t I in a dream. I tried to count my fingers and it was all confusing. I spun around in a circle for some reason and I felt dizzy at the end just like in real life but when I stopped spinning and everything got normal I saw clearly. I could clearly see the textures of the window and everything. I was like wow this is a cool dream. I tried to control stuff and go somewhere different but for some reason I didn’t try to go through any doors. It was like the dream was trying to control me. I remember thinking I want to go to the Harry Potter castle nothing happened. My dream either morphed again or I woke up. Not sure. Don’t know if this was a lucid dream or a dream about being lucid??