can't escape school lucid

Date: 11/23/2016

By CheesyIceCream

I was at my school computer lab, and I saw my friend Don, who left my school last year, and I realized that he didn't go here anymore and I told him "DON WERE IN A DREAM" and he was like sah dude cool. So I went to my school gym, and I was talking to my friend and I told him we were in a dream and that the code is 7099 (we thought that if we saw each other in a lucid dream, we could talk to each other and we would both remember in real life and we were gonna test it) he said OK and then I found my crush, and I asked her if she wanted to go to a coffee shop or something and she said yes. So we tried to get out of the gym (we were all having a school assembly and we were all sitting on the floor) so we sneak out to the side door and we run outside, but there's a wall with barbed wire and a tower on each corner of the wall and there were guards shooting at us. There was a hole in the barbed wire so we snuck through it and we were running through the forest crunching leaves and there were bullets whizzing past us and then I woke up