
Date: 6/3/2016


I had a dream I was at this school for culinary. It was a really hard school to get in and I had to apply several times. Once there I met a few nice people and began chatting with them. That chatting ultimately led to me getting kicked out of class for the day. Not that I was disrupting the class or anything the female teacher just didn't like me. I wasn't the only person to be kicked out. Me and four other girls were sent down to an office type place, where literally it was a just building full of offices. I knew one of the girls that had been kicked out of class with me, it was an ex-girlfriend of mine. She had asked why I had been kicked out of class, then explained why she had been kicked out. She explained her and her current girlfriend had been caught having sex before class had started, she clarified that even though she didn't know they were having sex just the fact of her girlfriend being there had gotten her kicked out. I told her that she had to be more careful and keep a listening ear out for things like that. Our assignment was about soup a whole 10 page study guide, about soup. I decided that was boring and we all should go get pizza instead, they agreed. On the way to little ceasers, as they walked and I flew I over heard her "whispering" to one of the other girls that her and her new lover were going to be having sex that night. I remember hearing it, but still not really feeling upset about it, but more so the fact that she just couldn't say it out loud. I told her I heard what she had just said, she just laughs. We ended up being late for class and not being able to finish the study guide. The female teacher later told us that the study guide wasn't about soup at all, but in fact pizza. She asked if she could join us I told her, her taste in pizza was too fancy I'm not sure if she would fit in. Post Dream: My ex-girlfriend is actually going to prom today and I'm going to go see her off. I actually do know that she will be fucking tonight or more so be getting fucked. She wanted me to take her virginity back when we were dating. I told her no she was too young and to wait until prom. Between the years she had moved on, someone else will be taking her card tonight. I would know she had me buy their sex toys..