Almost dead

Date: 6/4/2019

By tjhj

I dreamt I was with an assassain, villanelle from killing eve, and we were half in a relationship. We were in this hotel that was across from a building she had set to blow. We were in the elevator on our way up to her place when she realized something in the lobby was a sign that her mother was in the building. I asked if her mom would kill me if she knew and she said yes. So when the doors opened and they embraced, I pretended to be no one and just scooted out pf the elevator. I walked to the staircase and began running down. Then I got to the lobby or upper level amd i walked into the main area. I saw my mom and told her we had to go. Usually my mom asks no questions when I say something so insistently but this time she protested. I slapped her cheek lightly and urged her again. She listened and we dashed for the exit. I wanted to be more discreet but after a while people started staring at us and then they began to gesture at us. It waant until we got outside that we realized they were warning us. Suddenly the building across the street exploded and shards of glass flew at us. Not as many as there should have been though. The strangers in the lobby suddenly knew my name and they were yelling for me to come back. I did and we closed ourselves behind the front door with everyone else.