dog fights

Date: 12/22/2019

By juulianjuice

i dreamt that i was with a lot of people and felt alone, or something along those lines. i think it was people from school i was with or something at some weird camp at night time. i was sitting down and watching everyone else, i felt i was “alone in a room full of people.” i remember seeing breah lively walking in the crowd. i left the cabin and walked into the woods outside. past the woods was a small what looked like an abandoned basketball court with no hoops. i had two large dogs with me i believe. they were short haired and brown and black. i felt very eerie and uncomfortable as if i was being stalked. my dogs seems slightly uneasy as well. as we i walked from the woods into the open area i could see wolf/dogs coming from the other sides of the woods. i could just see their glowing eyes and couldn’t make out if they were dogs or wolves but seemed to be a muse of both. one jumped out at me and began to intimidate me. i tensed up, thinking they wanted to eat me or my dogs i hoped my dogs wouldn’t run as that would lead to them being chased. i tried to not seem afraid. my dogs understood and slowly backed away and i moved slowly before trying to run. the main dog attacked me. i don’t remember exactly what happened up until a point of me trying to hop down over about a 6foot ledge aiming away from the camp. the wolf grabbed ahold of ones of my arms. it bit into my skin but it didn’t hurt or hurt as it should’ve. he was just holding me there. my body dangled off the ledge where my feet where so close to the bottom but i couldn’t get down because it wouldn’t let go. i felt so angry and trapped and desperate to get away. i looked it in the eyes and i think i may have punched it with my other arm or something. i got down to the ledge and all the animals seemed to disappear. the girl breah came from the cabin. she didn’t seem like who she was, she wanna bubbly she seemed to be a changed version of herself. she wasn’t as thin and seemed to resemble my self more. she seemed more self aware and angry. i don’t remember in exact detail but i just remember punching her with my bloody arm. i punched her repeatedly in the face in an odd dream like why where my punch was fast and it was hurting her but i wasn’t feeling the impact. i kept punching her and hurting her and i used my nail to slice across the front of her neck but only to cut the surface. she had a bloody nose and a cut lip. it was quite gruesome and violent. she didn’t do much to defend herself or fight back but i just felt such anger for some reason. after she began wiping the blood away not even seeming so shocked. when other people from the cabin came out she acted as if she wasn’t bruised or cut and kept hiding her bleeding. she was covering for me to not get me in trouble for everyone else. part of me didn’t regret what i did as in the dream i felt it was deserved but i felt almost guilty or even respected her for not getting me in trouble. it almost made me feel worse as if i was the true bad guy for hurting someone who wouldn’t do it back. idk.. i woke up feeling really weird about the whole thing and really shocked i had dreamed myself doing such a violent attack. i felt it would be weird to have to see this girl again but honestly i forgot about this dream so quickly after waking up it almost doesn’t matter. wonder what it all means