Date: 7/30/2018
By fluffytree
I took a nap and had a couple dreams. The first one was really all over the place and random, but had something to do with me watching, and then being drawn into the world of Stargate SG-1. I guess I was watching the show and found myself in the world of it. And it was a crossover episode of all things with none other than Star Trek: TNG. I spotted Captain Picard and Cmdr Riker coming aboard the main base of SG-1 and then the dream got kinda weird where the Enterprise itself was just a toy replica sitting on the wall of a big area. I found I could grab it and as soon as I did I threw it like a frisbee before drifting off to the next dream. In my last one I was on a small boat out in the ocean with some people and I had my old digital camera around my neck, something I haven't used in 10 years or so. And then I start hearing calming music which I'm sure was the positive affirmation video I was listening to before I fell asleep. It had a creepy vibe to it because the people around me were crying for me and sad I had to go. I was confused cos I didn't have to go anywhere, but then it hit me. I got instant knowledge that I was supposed to be making a sacrifice of myself to save a little girl. What happened is a little girl is holding someone hostage and demands a friend to come be her literal play toy or else she'll "do something bad" to the woman. So without my prior knowledge I guess I offered up myself and had some sort of escape plan too. Well what ended up happening is that I became this crazed girl's living doll and had to stay in bed under the covers and play whatever she wanted. It was smothering and a nightmare. I was with another little girl who was a bit older, maybe around 13, and was also a play thing. Apparently she'd been here longer than me and knew the ins and outs. We lasted like this for hours, simply playing with her for hours. She'd get bored and go away for awhile only to come back later and expect us to be in the same position she left us otherwise she'd get mad. We got nervous when she got mad cos it was clear she wasn't mentally well and we didn't know what to expect. She seemed the type to torture someone while enjoying it. I lost track of time existing this way, but it was literally driving me insane, to the point where one day I snapped and started strangling the girl next to me for no reason at all. I guess it was the projected rage of what I wanted to do to the little girl holding us hostage. She was out of the room when this happened and I ended up stopping because I felt bad, but I knew now it was over for me. That girl would likely scream once the little girl showed up and tell her about what I've done, but surprisingly she didn't. When the girl came back and left again I was wondering why she didn't rat me out and she said because she had been slowly planning her escape for days and ratting me out did her no favors. She told me to keep being patient and endure. Moments later I awoke thankfully.