Faze rug Florida and school

Date: 7/26/2019

By StavrosLadis

The first part was faze rug trying to make him self look taller by standing deeper in the pool and being held up by some famous. I was in Florida with my grandpa and I met my friend Franklin next i was in a pool and I was with some friends and my grandpa and grandma faith and we were putting are phones in the water and some ones phone died but mine didn’t I remember my grandpa talking about how it was okay bc it was an iPhone XR he bought me. The next part was me back in school we were all in the auditorium and i got in trouble and some how got out of it then there was people blowing loud horns in people’s ears next Logan the Maverick came up there with this big balloon and put that on people’s ears and it was even louder. Next I was in the hallway and I was going to my new class and saying hi to my friend but they didn’t care about me and they all got bigger except me and I meet my friend that came back to the school from another and I hugged him and said hi then he did nothing and treated me like scum next everyone found there class and I didn’t and I asked for help to find it and there was Abnier next to the person I asked and he made fun of me then they told me then I went there and it was a room filled with older people and they were all looking at me a more I went in the room was darker and emptying.