Date: 9/10/2017
By Dreaming Dust Fairy
Classmate told me she would see us all next Tuesday the week before spring break. I didn't know it meant "you're a cunt" and I didn't notice she was touching her nose. That's her tell. I showed up to prove my ability to keep commitment. I thought the classmate needed a friend. Only to find I had been abandoned, set up and proving I'm a fool. I jokingly told the receptionist that I want everyone here in spring break. My cold face couldn't smile to indicate the humus tone. All my classmates hate me because they think I make them study over spring break. It was an innoccent mistake. If they had told me when it is I wouldn't have forced them to study at that time. Do I have amnesia? I forget they don't know who I am. I'm not in danger till they look at my student ID. I put it into my bag so is out of sight. What grade taught that we have a holiday every six weeks? Is that number accurate or just part of the dream? The holiday is every eight weeks if it's half term or nine weeks if it's an eventful holiday. This happens repeatedly every year at many different schools and colleges. The few people that know who I am stalk me and follow me home. I try to loose them. One won't get lost. She gets into my house and cuts the gas in the living room. She runs like scum. Dad calls someone to fix the gas, but he's looking in the kitchen. I yell that the leak is coming from the living room fire. It stinks of burning toast.