Moving stars

Date: 11/8/2017

By megan_1213

So me and my sister were outside early in the morning where it was still dark. We were getting our dogs from the cold but I wanted to enjoy the starts real quick since I could see them. As I’m looking I notice that two clusters of stars is usually clear to see. They were brighter than the rest so I kept looking at them. Not long after that they started moving towards me I was startled I had no idea what was going on. They moved so close that I notice that the the two clusters of stars weren’t stars at all but space ships. The stars weren’t stars they were windows on a huge black ship. As they got close the went up and disappeared in the sky. I ran to my dad telling him what happened he didn’t believe me at first but I described very clearly to him about it. I didn’t want the FBI or MIB hearing this so I shut the blinds on the windows. As we finished talking I noticed that the blinds were open again but no one touched them. Instead of someone scary showing up it was some weird guy saying we need to stay quiet. He was really chill about it though, I asked what about the MIB he said they scare people too much so he came instead. I woke up after that