Date: 1/9/2018
By Tjika
I was in a city with friends. First we were at the airport. We were hanging around, not really trying to get on a flight, I don't really know why we were there. I could fly and showed this to everyone, hoping they'd be impressed, but they basically just ignored it. In the next part we were in a city. I think we lived there at that time, but we sort of moved a lot, so it was probably temporary. We did know the city relatively well though. I was walking through the city with my friends when we saw a video appear on big screens attached to buildings. It was a video of some guy telling us that we needed to kill 5000 penguins or else 681 people would die. This was not the first time I had seen a message like this. Everyone in this city had played these games before. You were supposed to accomplish the goal of the game with the entire city. If not, depending on how difficult the game had been, a number of people would mysteriously die. The easier the game was, the more people would die. This game was sort of in between I guess, judging from the number of people that would die, but I knew it was an impossible task. People were beheading their stuffed pinguin dolls in the hopes that would count too and some even started tearing appart all their stuffed animals, even though they knew it was probably useless. I think a lot of people had already died because of these games and people were getting desperate. I knew my only hope would be that I would not be chosen to die, so I prayed and asked for someone to protect us (meaning me and my friends). After a while people started to drop dead all around me. All of my friends died too. I wasn't even shocked, although I did feel kind of sad about it. It's like I had gotten so used to people dying that I could only think it was a shame it had to be them, but at least it wasn't me. For some reason I felt like it was really important that I did not die, because I could never find out what it was like to die, not even in a dream. (I'm not sure how this works, but there are dreams such as this one in which I do know it's a dream, because I keep thinking things like 'I can do this because it's a dream' and stuff, but at the same time I think it's real and make decisions like I would in a normal dream in which I don't realise it's not real) After this I woke up.