Scariest dream I’ve had in years. Would be great horror movie

Date: 1/12/2023

By bluhamster123

It started out as a road trip to a beach side campground with a large family. We all piled out of the van and came to a really beautiful campground that had like two structures on the site to sleep in and if you walked down a steep, long sandy decline you would go out to a very tropical looking landing and see the ocean. We were in a very thick forest tho. Beyond this campground there was nothing but woods. Something started to be off putting tho I don’t remember the details very well but I think we started going to nearby attractions and they were all destroyed/burned down and locals were saying it was this local ghost story of like this undead man and his pack of giant blood thirsty wolves that appear in the woods. And then at night in our campsites all of us started to have dreams or seeing this man lurking in the woods with his wolves around our site and suddenly all the windows and doors of our cabins would be gone or wide open and the wind would start blowing and suddenly the man would appear in the doorframe or standing in the threshold and we would all scream but then we’d wake up and that’s it, they were gone. One day we all woke up and noticed that all windows on the cabin were in fact not there anymore. it was no longer a dream. They were all missing. We realized that something really was happening and we couldn’t stay there anymore. I don’t know why but we all decided before we left to take one last walk down to the beach to look at the beautiful view and maybe take a quick dip before we left. But as we were walking the steep length down. I noticed near the shore about 20 yards away that there were 8 giant wolf dogs standing there watching us and I screamed and instantly started sprinting back up the hill telling everyone to get to the van. A couple others saw why I was screaming and started running back and soon we were all running for our lives back to the van. Fortunately we all made it and shut the doors. And once we calmed down we looked around and realized again there were no dogs in sight. We all swore we saw the dogs and even the undead man at the beach. We were all freaked the HELL out and we were all agreed it’s time to leave. So we started driving off and we were literally it to a freeway when one of the passengers points out that this road looked familiar like we had already been on it. We’re all looking around and then way far out we see a wolf running up to the van on the freeway and suddenly the world kinda melts in front of us and we flip upside down and we are waking back up in the cabin with no windows and the undead man is cackling and standing right in front of us and his charred face is flashing in our eyes and we’re are screaming. Then suddenly the world melts again and we are driving back in the car and we’re still screaming we have no idea what is going on and then it melts back again and big black claws and cloaked figures begin looming over us and grabbing us as the world is shifting and melting. suddenly I think I realize I’m dreaming and try to visualize myself in my real bed and even as I’m coming to in my own bedroom the shadows and silhouettes around me are melting and glitching into these undead creatures trying to bring me back into the dream and kill me. It was terrifying it felt like I couldn’t escape. I haven’t been that scared of a dream in years. This would’ve been a good horror movie plot.