Desperate Stalker

Date: 6/25/2020

By Onii

In this dream, I met a guy from online. At first I really liked him. I invited him over to my house to hang out and everything was great until we had “sex”. I say that because I playfully jumped on him and he put his d*ck in me and came. He only put the tip in, and in less than a second—boom. I was so upset. I told him I wasn’t on birth control, and he was like “oops”. I told him to leave and he started freaking out. My mom was in her room, and I was afraid she’d come out and add to the scene. He said he loved me, and I was like ???. Because this was the first time we officially met up. He kept saying he wanted to stay and that he was sorry, but I’d had enough. I managed to pick him up and throw him outside, but as I was going back in, he grabbed my arm and started arguing with me. Then some guy from a previous dream was trying to get passed us (not into the house but on the sidewalk). As he went he said “Nobody sees this” but I felt like that was because he was doing something shady like in the last dream (I’d write about the previous dream but I forgot most of the details). Anyway, I push the guy off me and go back inside and lock the doors. He just sat in the grass and cried. I’m still upset obviously from the earlier situation, and I’m thinking to myself about telling my mom so that she can take me to get a plan b the next day since it was already so late. I start washing the dishes when all of a sudden I see him come up to the window upset. He said “you’re such an earth sign!!” I was stressed because he wasn’t going home. He said the cops were coming and sure enough when I looked the red and blue lights ran past. I thought my mom must’ve called them. I told him I didn’t call them but he didn’t believe me, and suddenly he teleported through the house??? The doors were still locked. He just kept crying. Then I woke up.