Digital art, As they scroll through a virtual gallery of prosthetic options, the protagonist balks at the lack of customization and realizes they'd rather keep their leg than settle for a generic replacement.


Date: 12/4/2021

By RingoJoy

I had a dream my leg had to be amputated and they show me a bunch of photos of prosthetics on a screen and it was just same model with different desgin patterns as in color. And I was like nope they don’t have what I want and was like idw to amputate my leg lmao.

AI generated interpretation Thank you for sharing your dream with me. Dreaming about amputation can be a reflection of a feeling of loss or detachment in one's life. The fact that your leg had to be amputated in your dream signifies that there might be an aspect in your life that you feel is holding you back, and you believe that it would be better to let go of it, even though it may be difficult. In the dream, the photos of prosthetics on the screen represents the various possibilities and options that could be available to you to help you move forward in life. However, the fact that you felt like none of the designs was what you wanted, suggests that you may not be satisfied with the available options in real life. You may feel like something is missing or your options are limited, which is causing hesitation or decision paralysis. Overall, your dream may be suggesting that there is a part of your life that you feel like you need to let go of, but you may be hesitant because you are unsure if the alternative options available to you will be suitable or fulfilling. It may be worth considering what areas of your life you feel like are holding you back and explore new possibilities and options that may be available to you.