Date: 5/9/2019
By Kimona
I git high with Jeff. We entered a large cement, Industrial-looking room that had a body of water running into it and out of it through openings underneath the water. The water was very clear and beautiful and inviting. The bottom seemed like A light green. The room was well lit but windowless I think. I was wearing my mother’s mink and a nice dress underneath as I walked down the cement plank to the center of the pool. For some reason I nearly fell in, belly first, Like a tree being fell. As I was falling, I thought, “this mink will be so heavy if it gets wet“. Only The anterior of my torso touches the water. I levitate with my belly in the water for just a moment and then finally somehow raise myself up straight out of the water back on to my feet on the cement plank. I’m trying to get Jeff’s attention, Who had already walked nearly out of the room, But at first I couldn’t talk, just like when I used to have those night terrors and it was as if something was keeping me from being able to speak. When I was finally freed up this hold, I called out to Jeff weakly, but he couldn’t hear me, partially because he’s Half deaf, but I’m thinking he’s just not paying attention. Switch to, same room? But now filled with ramps that look like light blue pool slides. Two latino looking teenaged boys in helmets are also stoned like me performing amazing tricks on their skateboards on these steep ramps. Switch to I’m with one of the skateboard boys. He’s young and handsome and is wearing a strange logo on his shirt. I say something about it and it comes up a later conversation and he didn’t hear me mention the logo on his shirt before. I think “he wasn’t paying attention”. I think more happened in this portion of the dream but I can’t recall. Switch to stoned and naked with two people in a shallow clear body of water indoors, same body of water as before but shallow and blue? Is it Vicky and one of the skateboarding boys? They are already laying down when I come and lay down next to them. I think I’m the only one that is nude. As I lower my head and hair into the water, I am feeling very relaxed and free and sexy. I give a sigh and I think Jeff walks in. Switch to I’m in a bar sitting next to a 30 something? woman. I think we’re drinking margaritas, maybe it’s a Mexican restaurant. She and I start talking and she kicks back or throws her head back when she laughs throwing her entire stool down to the ground with her on it. I help her up. Switch to walking down a dark street I’m nude, holding a little dishtowel over my breasts to my crotch, walking by people trying not to let them notice but they see my backside as I pass. I am then about to walk into another group of shady characters like the dream I had earlier this morning, young Latino-looking LA flannel-wearing thug types, two of whom seem to be having some sort of a dance-off but are actually having a jerk off. I’m approaching on the sidewalk and one has his back to me about 20 yards away and the other is in front of him obscured by the one who’s back is to me. Baseball caps to the side, they seem to be breakdancing but as their “showdown“ is coming to an end, the one with his back to me moves a bit and I see his hand is on his crotch and the fellow who had been facing me has his penis out in his hand and is jerking himself off. Fin