An enemy pt 3

Date: 6/29/2019

By midnightsun0706

So this same boy who has been previously mentioned many times, Aiden, is in this dream. Him and I after a lot of not drama but a lot of stuff happening have become friends again irl and talk often. I still have feelings for him but he doesn’t know this. In this dream we’re at my new school in the gym and it’s like all the people from my middle school as well as my high school but they all attend my new highschool. So in the gym they’re like announcing things like awards for academics and such. So I get a really good award like valedictorian or something and he gets something similar as we are both at the top of our class. Afterwards I’m searching through the crowd for him and when I find him I run to him and we hug for a very long period of time, like a desperate squeezing each other hug. When we pull away from each other he’s crying and when I ask what’s wrong he says after this semester he was leaving school. He admits that he has feelings for me and I tell him that I feel the same way but he says it can’t work because he’s leaving and he walks away. So I’m sobbing and hysterical at one of my friends house about this and she’s trying to comfort me when I get a text from him. And it’s something along the lines of I’m sorry do you think we could give us a try. So obviously I’m like of course and we meet up and happily ever after. This dream isn’t that interesting but for me it was just really enjoyable.