Date: 1/13/2019
By BranchMan
The dream starts with me having sex with an Asian girl. She’s very cute and fun. Quickly she tears the condom off and tells me she wants to please me as much as I am her. I lay back and suddenly my pants are back on but she’s grinding on me and giving me a hickey. I then give her one in return and she loves it. Then we’re making out when her dad walks in. I look up scared but he says “oh don’t worry about it Justin, or whatever”, and then offered me a hot pocket. He didn’t know my name lol. I then realized I was in a dream, considering this wasn’t my Newly ex-girlfriend. I’ve never had such a conscious and vivid lucid experience. Normally when I realize I’m in a dream I’m either so out of it that I don’t even think to actually do anything, or I forget within 5 seconds. My mind and the setting were crystal clear. I tried to calm myself but it was clear I was getting too excited and I knew I was gonna wake up. I tried to ask her what her name was and she said “windows startup 10” or “windows login 10” lmfao. I said no, what is your name!! She got confused and told me she didn’t know. I then slowly wake up.