Date: 5/5/2023
By TwentieToo
Don't remember much about this dream except this one specific scene. I was w a coworker, let's call him Pickle. Anyways, I found myself in bed w him and his gf. I was on the right side, his gf was in the middle, and he was on the left. All of a sudden I hear his gf scream and yell "ew!!!" I look and see something that I didn't really want to see and roll back over and pretend nothing is happening. But she keeps screaming, keeps yelling ew, and scrambling around in the bed. She eventually gets up and yells at Pickle, "that's so disgusting!! I'm so tired of this!! It's gross!!". Pickle is just laughing at her. She leaves for a couple of minutes. Pickle then starts doing to me what he was doing to his gf. Which is, basically,... (This is such a wack dream I'm so embarrassed to even type this) he was c*mming everywhere, all over the sheets and his gf. I do the same thing as his gf, I yell ew and get up immediately. She comes back and she gets back into bed and they start arguing. She says, "yeah I know, you don't like to have sex with me because you take forever to come. I get it, but it's still gross, Pickle". We go to sleep 😠and the dream ends...
AI generated interpretation This dream is quite complex and may have multiple interpretations. The presence of Pickle and his girlfriend suggests that this dream may be related to your feelings about your coworkers or workplace dynamics. The fact that you find yourself in bed with them may indicate that you feel emotionally or psychologically close to them, but there may be some tension or conflict that is being acted out in the dream. The scene where Pickle is ejaculating everywhere may symbolize the idea of release or letting go of something, as ejaculation is often associated with orgasm and release of tension. This could suggest that there may be some pent-up emotions or tensions that you are struggling to deal with, and that you may need to find a way to release them in a healthy way. The fact that you and Pickle's girlfriend both react with disgust and yell "ew" could suggest that there is some shame or embarrassment associated with these emotions or tensions. This may indicate that you are struggling to express yourself or communicate your emotions effectively, and that you may need to work on developing better communication skills in order to address these issues. Overall, this dream may be pointing to some underlying tensions or conflicts in your workplace or interpersonal relationships, and may be suggesting that you need to find a way to manage these emotions more effectively in order to maintain healthy relationships and a positive work environment.