
Date: 1/5/2017

By finethread

Jamie lost his St. Bernard and was very upset. Everyone was looking for the dog for weeks. I found her on a boulevard between some trees. I was bringing a woman in who was missing into my moms house. Everyone was looking for her. Since she was found she drives while we tell everyone to stop looking. we drive by Tony and Simon by my moms on Gateway to tell them she's been found. Simon and Tony run up to the car to celebrate! Sex scene. A guy is having sex with multiple women. the room is dingy, couch, bad lighting. He puts gimp masks on us but I object scared I won't be able to breathe properly. A woman masturbates on a couch while he gives himself fellatio and fingers her. School scene. Girl has seizure in hallway. Try to to help but she's dead. For some reason we feel it's important to avoid the hallways and set up a mini society in the classroom. Talk to a girl who is dying yarn for art projects. Jen L is in the school gym. It's turned into a clothing store. We collect items to try on.