Alien Car Commercial

Date: 10/11/2017

By jmeltzer

I’m dreaming that I’m watching this “story” play out as though it were ok TV. An alien comes to the door of a suburban house. He is slimy and gooey like a salamander but is bipedal like a human. He isn’t wearing any clothes and his arms and legs are wriggling as he walks up to the door and rings the doorbell. Another female alien answers the door holding her alien baby, and the one outside says that the baby is his. While he says that, a fourth alien comes to the door from inside the house and he comes to dispute this claim seeing as he seems to be the father in this situation. It’s a very Maury-esque scenario. All of a sudden while they are arguing, the baby alien leaps out of his mother’s arms, and grabs a car from the suburban street and starts driving away. The three other aliens run after him and they grab other people’s cars as well and begin to give chase. They are racing through the streets. Driving against traffic, swerving in and out between obstacles and such, really showing off the agility and speed of the cars. Then they come to a row of houses that the alien baby may be hiding in. As they drive past each house it appears as the baby is warping reality in each home he visits along this row of houses, and while the first house was normal the next ones are each different in some way. The second house has an additional story on it. The one after has two additional. Then three additional. Then four. Then the house after has none, it’s literally a roof on the ground, like the house was buried. Then the next house is like the first one but backwards, where the backyard is facing the street. The one after is literally upside down where the roof is on it’s head and the house and it’s pipes are sticking up in the air. The following one is inside out. And so on and so on, where each house is a different permutation of the original for about 50-60 house deep. The aliens finally come to the final house, go inside it, and find the baby sitting at the kitchen table. All three adult aliens are relieved that the baby is safe. And the end of the dream I think, this would have made a great Honda Fit commercial. But probably for the Super Bowl because it seems long and expensive.