Date: 11/13/2017
By zwindust
I was walking down the street with some people I knew from school. We were in downtown Iowa (Des Moines). We just walked in a straight line until we saw Pewdiepie. All of us ran up to him and talked to him. He ask if we wanted his autograph. I had to use the bathroom (Pee). So I walked around and found a building that had a door. Opened it and went inside. There was a bathroom sign that pointed left (Maybe it was right I don’t remember). Went over to the bathroom and went pee in one of the stalls. Washed my hands and headed towards the door. Went back out the door to the building I was just inside. Walked back towards where everyone was at. When I got there I saw a metal railing. I walk to the first turn and then the second. Pewdiepie was standing just there. I walked up and stood next to him. The metal railing was in front of us. It made like a big square ring (Like in boxing). My school friends were in that ring. Pewdiepie and I were just watching them. We talked about some stuff and I never did got his autograph.