Keeping a Demon away with a Comic Book

Date: 9/9/2017

By toxxicduck

I had a nightmare. I was in a dark house being followed by a demon. It was pitch black and I could feel the presence of the demon in every shadow and down every dark hallway, but I never saw it. I was holding a comic book and in it was another person trapped in the house with the demon. The demon would stay away from the person so long as they did certain things. I began to do the things to keep the demon away. They were like chants, and chakra shaping things, building a shield out of my own life force. Occasionally I would get tired and stop for a moment, but I immediately would feel the demon's presence get stronger and closer, but I still couldn't see it. Eventually, as I was doing some kind of tai chi leg movements, I felt the presence get stronger. The methods to keep it away weren't working anymore. I panicked as I felt it getting closer and tried to quickly use my life force to shield myself while also ready to fight it off. I suddenly fell to the floor onto my back. I still couldn't see anything except the dark walls of the house and ceiling around me. The comic book disappeared and as I was getting back up, I woke up.