Date: 11/22/2019
By TheRealBS
Renee, Brianna, Blake, Gary and I were at this super market just getting normal stuff and in the back they had a sushi bar so we all got some and it was super good but as I was going through the line I got super tired and fell asleep and had a second dream!! Then we were all under this pavilion and Renee had two trays of spaghetti and meatballs and we sat down to eat it but before I could some chick spun me around and kissed me and as this happened I woke up in the other dream.. so now we’re back in the sushi bar and they were all asking if I just fell asleep and I said I’m not sure then Brianna turns to me and says “what did you have a dream about meatballs?” And this really caught me off guard and I said ya actually I did and she said “I know.. I was there” and laughed... then we all went back to my car and ate the sushi