Friends Fall Out Over Neighbors

Date: 4/1/2024

By WhoPotterVianOffTwitter

Myself and my brother were with these three women who were apparently friends of ours. We left the room with the three girls alone, and when we returned, something had apparently been said that caused them to fall out. One of the women was very happy, and sat away from the other two. I tried to mediate and ask what was wrong. She said they had fallen out over a comment that the other two women had made about their neighbours (seems they lived on the same street). I tried to reason with her that everybody finds things their neighbours do annoying, including me, but it didn't work. It was lunchtime, and I joined the two other women with my meal in the kitchen. I suddenly realized I had forgotten my wine, and dashed to the conservatory to get it. My brother was sat in there with the friend who had chosen to fall out with the other women. I asked if there was any chance she could make up with them and she said no. I scoffed and said that they were only neighbours that they'd been rude about.