Work and play

Date: 1/5/2022

By tjhj

I was in one of my clients apartments but it looked like my old home. I had cared for their dog for a few days and as usual, I was going to do some light cleaning. Two people who were under me came in to help and one guy who handled the money came in to pay us. He then suggested that we should spend our money on cleaning the house. It was my business, so I refused and looked at the other two to let them know they could as well. They agreed and i went back to doing light cleaning in the kitchen. When i finished, I went out to eat and caught one of my siblings singing at a cafe. I met up outside with the others and we all went to the Cafe and she began singing again. We were all shocked because we didn't know she sang outside of church. We talked about it and I remember feeling like an outsider. They went to see her up close but I and one other person stayed behind. I almost told them that I felt like an outsider but decided that it was my own insecurity and I would suck it up. Eventually I had to leave to work but I was struggling to get all of my things inside the elevator. I heard a drill instructor voice trying to rush me to get everything inside. Eventually I succeeded but struggled getting them back out and I think I failed.