Date: 1/12/2018
By Tjika
I had been on some sort of trip with people from my university. I think this was the point where we had visited a house with ghost holograms in an abandoned house for some reason. From the point where I clearly remember the dream we were walking home. We had to pass through soms sort of gate which was guarded by some military guys, but we did not think this was weird. I tried to pass through, but somehow I already expect I wouldn't be able to. There was an invisible force stopping me. I acted like I thought it was weird, but I already suspected it was because some people had gotten magic, including me, and they did not want us to get out of the city. This is by the way the exact plot of a manga I recently read, so that could explain it. We were send to the weird house, but I did not remember the ghost holograms. We all put our giant bags in a room where we would all be sleeping later (I think we had these baga because we'd somehow all been om holiday in that city) and we went to a gym. There they had made a parcours for us, which was actually really dangerous. It involved trampolines and obstacles and not a lot of safety precautions. I knew they'd done this to make us use our powers and I also knew mine was probably the ability to fly, since I can always fly. Therefore I went first. I did not fly of do any other weird stuff, but I did not get hurt either. After this everyone became really excited instead of scared and we all enjoyed the parcours. After some time the military guys in charge of the group said we had to return. We all went back to the house to unpack and find a place to sleep somewhere in that room. The room was extremely full though, so me and a friend I'd made during the parcours stuff decided to pick another room. One room was reserved for the staff, so we could chose the childrens bedroom or the room with the double bed. Since I remembered the hologram ghost from the childrens bedroom I preferred not to sleep in there, so we chose the other one. Sure enough the hologram of the ghost lid was still there. He came through our room and went to his bedroom. He was actually kinda cute. He came to say goodnight to us and I even gave him a goodnight kiss and stuff. I did think that was slightly creepy, since he was a ghost, but I thought that was not his fault or anything, so I should not let my fear hurt his feelings and stuff. Suddenly there was another ghost behind me, his grandfather. I instinctively turned around and tried to cut off his head with my hand. I realised my mistake soon after that. The boy would probably not be very happy about me trying to kill his grandpa and it's not like that guy had done anything wrong. The boy was not shocked though, he just whispered in a creepy, happy voice: we're not holograms anymore. I realised they were now actual ghosts, so I quickly appologised to the grandpa ghost. He said it was fine, but je became kind of creepy and, ehm... sort of went inside me I guess, like he was trying to posess me. I sort of got rid of him though and I woke up. Well actually the waking up part was complicated too. I did see my room, I saw the wall that I was facing in real life, but when I turned around, the wall sort of turned with me and I ended up looking at the same wall again no matter how much I turned. After about 5 tries and getting a bit dizzy from it, I finally woke up for real, although it did take me a while of playing with lights and reading books to become absolutely convinced I was no longer in a dream. My dreams can really be a bit too realistic sometimes, so it can be hard to tell whether or not I'm actually awake...