Date: 11/23/2016
By xXScarclawXx
So I am watching the news in the dream. (I'm in my living room.) Then the guy's like, "Two students from ----- School have joined the band One Direction!" Let's just call the people Amy and Mack. I was shocked; those two somewhat annoy me, and I was kind of jealous, even though I hate 1D. That's when I jumped on my bike, which was a little red tricycle for some reason, and started pedaling off for school. Along the way, I passed an abandoned church. Because my dream self is an idiot I swerved towards it and went inside. I was in a small white bathroom. There was a shower, and sitting in the middle was a boy (wearing clothes!) who was probably four years old. He had black hair, a blue striped shirt, and I weird smile on his face. What was even weirder was that there were bright blue popsicles scattered around him. He offered me one, but I said no and pedaled off as fast as possible. I got to the school and gasped. There was a huge parade, and 1D was there. Amy was playing the tambourine, and Mack wasn't even there. Everything started flashing weird colors, like the sky was orange and everyone's skin was purple. Then I woke up. 😐