Apocalypse Marriage

Date: 9/21/2018

By royallauren7

I dreamt I was planning my marriage with Max when the end of the world began. There were all kinds of terrifying creatures and spiritual entities killing people and destroying the city. I remember seeing a girl being sucked into a huge pool and drowned by a huge black octopus and then being spit back out with tons of wet hairy black creatures following her, helping her kill people. I ran from my house through rows of demolished cars. Many of them had people in them trying to hide and animals too. I found Max in the crowd and I told him that the world was obviously coming to and end but I still wanted to get married before it did. So we agreed that we’d get together as much shit as possible and meet up and get married regardless of the chaos. I was running through downtown in my huge wedding dress trying to not attract attention. The streets were dark and dimly lit and I ran into Subway to get something I’d left. Then I ran down to the church and saw Max standing on the steps holding some guy by the arm who was supposed to marry us. He looked amazing and we got married right there but did not make it legal because of the situation. We were trying to figure out to get the hell out of there and hopefully have a honeymoon.