Murder, sex and private jet

Date: 6/6/2019

By Jessicaagaylordd

I was flying in a private jet that had a very sexy black pilot. I think we lifted off and then touched back down. It was a fun nice safe ride with other people there having a good time. Then I was at a nice house with all kinds of happy people it reminded me of school sort of the vibe. I just remember cutting a body open on a dotted line and feeling very good about it then taking a butcher knife dripping and covered with blood and quickly rinsing it off in a sink. All the while there are people walking by like we are at a party during the day because this was in broad daylight with floor to ceiling windows. Then Billie Eilish was there with a hot bf and I begged them to let me be their sex slave basically and they were like all happy af and were like yeah cool it was like a dream come true for me and we chilled and I woke up.