Date: 6/7/2020
By tjhj
I was at my grandma's house with a team of people. Every night, a wolf would come into her home and kill us one at a time. I was in bed across from my roommate and we were talking about the recent losses. We decided to sleep when we heard someone sit outside the door and call her name softly and repeatedly instead of knocking. It was annoying so I went out and it was my ex. I told her to chill out/fuck off/and go to sleep. When I returned to bed I saw the wolf and he attacked my roommate who screamed and told me to run. I did and met someone just outside the door. They ran back in and grabbed him as the wolf was gone. He was still alive though barely so we carried him to another room and someone brought a poison to finish him off. Somehow I was stabbed and half dead myself so they brought a dose for me as well. They injected him and he threw up blood once and died. When it was my turn the needle slipped and landed in my eye. We pulled it out and then injected me correctly. I threw up blood and landed on the floor scared but happy to die. I waited for the feeling of leaving my body but instead I had the feeling of time passing of people crying and of my funeral. I realized I was still alive so I moved and opened my coffin.