Date: 7/12/2018
By sarah_barnes18
I took cami (my dog who recently passed) to an ice skating rink and Burke (who always snapchats about her dog) was there and she loved cami and cami was so cute on the ice. Then we got home and Charitie showed up and asked for something under our sink and it was a 10 year old bday cake that was for cami but when I brought t up, talks of it being dangerous spread around the house Had a weird dream that the whole fam was abroad somewhere that didn’t speak English and we were about to leave but people kept leaving stacks of like 100 newspapers places and those were actually nuclear bombs. We were near a soccer field and right before the bombs went off, they protected the young players w a bubble home shelter but we were above ground just trying to be as small as possible. Then we rushed to airport security and I never ended up putting my shoes back on. I thought that was gonna be okay bc I usually need to take off my shoes at security but they got mad at me for not having shoes. They also got mad bc Grumpy didn’t have “grumpy” on his license. Then I woke up.