Welcome To Mexico

Date: 4/2/2020

By Machman

I was on a plane flying into America. But for some dream-like reason the plane landed on the Mexican side of the border with the U.S. The plane followed a path like a slip road onto a Motorway. I remember looking at the road signs in Spanish as we flew past them at extremely low level. The next thing I remember is being at the side of the road with a crowd of people waiting to get the bus that will take them through the border check up the road which is visible in the distance. As I am walking towards the queue my mate Jack appears and he has a son (he is not a parent in real life). His son is very young and is ahead of us. He has been scratching his arse and getting his finger right up there if you know what I mean apparently. I didn't witness this happening, Jack told me. His son comes toward us and we both jokingly run out the way so as not to be touched by the finger of doom! I then say to Jack "only a true friend would do that against his son for his friend" or something stupid like that. We are then waiting in the bus queue. There are little individual shelters at the front end of the queue which we join. We stand next to a couple of these mini shelters as the queue gathers. Then two young kids come along and start checking out the shelters without paying any heed to the queue. I'm not having that so I put my arms round their shoulders and start walking them down to the end of the queue and say something like "Do you understand the concept of a queue lads?". One of them protests and says "You didn't join the queue" but I don't respond. Lying little shit. I turn back and everyone has gone. The queue is no more. Everyone must have got on the bus and headed for the border check. At first I don't seem too bothered about this and decide to walk to the border check on my own thinking it's not that far anyway. I then become more concerned. In the distance I see a young kid. I then think it is a guy I remember from school called Desi Simpson who I haven't seen since then so something like 35 years. For some reason I wonder why he went on without me and I feel annoyed and upset.