ice skating?

Date: 12/20/2016

By MoyashiRaita

so first I was at church, writing letters with some friends to the boars of directors or something to tell them we needed more money and I was giving my friend instructions on how to write a good letter (with a feather quill, no less) that wasn't so demanding and was more persuasive. finally I got frustrated and got up and went to my truck. I got in and it started moving, except it took me awhile to register that noone was driving. I was just talking to myself when I realized I was alone. then I realized I wasn't, because an angel was driving the truck. so I relaxed, but then I decided to start chatting with it. it wasn't terribly chatty, but that didn't really bother me, even though I wanted to know what to call him. we had to ford a couple rivers on foot then bring the truck across because the road had collapsed. eventually, we got out at my college and I realized he sort of looked like Castiel from Supernatural. but I didn't say anything and we were stopped by an instructor who had a puzzle she couldn't figure out (because he was apparently an instructor there known for figuring out puzzles). he sits down to figure it out and I'm throwing out nonsense until I actually figure it out (because it was just a common sense puzzle hidden behind number sequences, one of those ones that makes you way over think it) but then I was transported to this ice rink. I very quickly land on my butt (I can't skate) and this brother, sister, and other boy come along. the girl just laughs at me and the brother seemed to pity me but the other boy skated over sat down and taught me how to stand up (I was apparently wearing skates) and once he had gotten me up taught me how to skate. I tried to explain I've never understood skating, but he was having none of that. so he taught me (even though I was still falling a lot, and I'm pretty sure it was one of those cheesy 'falling in love' montages) and then we ended up in a skating contest. right as it was about to begin, helicopters surrounded the building (we had moved from outdoors to indoors at some point) and I ran to the bathroom to hide. I barricaded the door but this guy wielding a sword that looked like the prince from the princess bride came in and I knew I couldn't fight him with swords so I challenged him to an ice skate race. then I woke up.