Date: 3/6/2019
By miisguiided
PSA: I had this dream a long ass time ago like in August maybe of 2018? Disclaimer: I sent this to my boyfriend in a message so it’s written as if I’m telling him, I tried editing it the best I could but it should be easy to decipher lmao ~ So this dream was particularly weird cause one part of it we ( my boyfriend and friends ) were in like this amusement park ride like the one that spins around and looks like a space ship, but inside where we just stood inside and the walls moved up and down, we all were in something like that but it had windows so you could see outside, then there was another part of the dream, we all ( bf, friends) were sitting down in a living room area and you (my boyfriend) were playing the game and I told you that there was something in my arm, so I popped it cause it looked like those bumps I get on my tattoos that you tell me to quit popping but I didn’t listen and I popped it and then this tiny little worm thing came out of it and I blew it off my finger and it landed on the table then out of nowhere some other type of bug was on the table and it was fighting the worm thing that just came out of my arm and they were shooting like miniature nukes at each other and having this full on mini war on the coffee table (almost like the movie antz or a bugs life) and I tried getting your attention (my boyfriend) to look at it but you were too focused on playing the game (PS4) but they were really hashing it out. That’s all for that weird ass dream folks! Stay tuned for more wacky, weird, worrisome dreams from my fucked up head 🤟🏽