russia documentary

Date: 6/9/2018

By oriondrums

for some reason i was like filming a documentary for fox where i went to russia at this thing called the file. it was this like this part of the ocean that was surrounded by this crazy rock formation that seems to enclose the water, but really you can swim underneath the rocks in near darkness for a few seconds and end up on the other side. we were interviewing these girls who were playing this game sorta like tag where they went under the rock and tried to find the person who was “it” on the other side. We followed them, and going under the rock was scary but i made it to this isolated location on the other side with none of the other swimmers inside. I knew i had to get back into the city and back to the hotel, but i didn’t know what city or hotel i was in. I walk around and i see an old woman and ask her if she can take me to moscow and she shakes her head only understanding the world “moskva.” I keep walking and i find this girl college age who also doesn’t speak english but beckons me to come with her. she seemed to want to help me so i followed her and she took me to this classroom interrupting a 30 year old guy teaching it and says something in russian to him. he’s american and was super cool and starts speaking in english to me like “whats up man what do you need” and i explained my situation and he was like “yeah the file is rough man. ill arrange for you to get back.” i was super happy. i spent a little time talking to him and other american students in the class and he gave me a few russian words to use to get around when someone points out that the jeans he was wearing ripped in the back and you could see his legs and his whole underwear covered butt and he was like “oh shit.” i had a few pairs of pants on me in my backpack so i gave him my sweatpants and he thanked me offering to pay for them but i declined. i don’t remember anything else happening