Ocean, Wedding, Grandma, Cruise, Lemon, Man, Two, Manager, Coach, Manaa

Date: 4/25/2021

By dreakee

I think I was having a panic attack or something, but my mom came over to me and told me to close my eyes. She led me through meditation which may have actually led me to a different part of the world. I ended up finish a perfect beach in Russia with the most beautiful skies (I just looked some up right now on google and damn it’s more beautiful than my dream had shown me). Eventually I had to go to a family wedding (irl there’s a wedding in Florida I was invited to, but I’m not going). This family wedding had two sides the bride and the groom. My grandma was able to speak clearly and walk (irl she has brain damage and it’s hard for her to speak clearly), and I think my great grandmother (who had passed five years ago) was on the other side. One of them told us to pick sides and then when I picked a side, that side ended up saying something that was along the same lines of Hitler and I was like nooooope and I made a run for it with my cousins. We hopped into a van where there was a stick shift but it’s like we were in England or something. We ended crashing into a wall and going to a store, but our mission was to break the coding so we could go somewhere else. I tried to code random things I remembered, but I ended up getting it wrong and I let my nerdy cousin do the rest of the coding. There were other tasks I was able to figure out quickly how to do perfectly and so I worked on those. I think it was all too stressful for my brain, so I ended up on a cruise. I was single (irl and here) and I decided to enjoy the free food. I sat at the bar and searched the menu. A woman came up and asked me if I was looking for something. A man walked up next to her and was really interested in what I had to say. He looked like one of the Franco’s, but taller (I’ll look it up rn). It was James Franco, but taller. I told him directly I was looking for something with lemon and he offered me lemon meringue. I said ok and he picked me up by my thighs and carried me over to a different part of the restaurant where he pressed me up against a cabinet and made out with me. It was really nice, until Nick from New Girl and some other guy from my irl past walked in. They were both hurt and walked away because they wanted to be with me too. I ended up eating James out to the manager bc he was using me (I think) and the manager called over Coach from New Girl. I went and sat back down on the other side of the restaurant. Coach got up with a glass and hit it gently with a fork. He called for everyone’s attention. He said “Saldrías conmigo manana.” We all stopped for a second. The latinas and I squinted. “Manaña.” We all made a face. The funniest thing was he was carrying balloons and the last word said “Manaa”, which I laughed really hard at. He tried to say it again “Mañana!” I nodded my head in approval as one of the latinas said “wait did he say it right?” And the whole place went quiet. “Sí!” I yelled excitedly from my corner of the restaurant. Everyone cheered and I woke up.