Mice everywhere!

Date: 11/2/2019

By pinkstar16121

Dreamt I had a mouse infestation. There was a huge gray rat who was like the mother and then the mice were the offspring. They were brown field mice. I was so grossed out because they kept multiplying. Then we found their nest. We saw them sleeping under this table on top of the leg. The mice became human like in that they could talk, and I could sense they were out to get us. I found out they wanted to pee on us, and I ran away. Eventually I guess someone vacuumed them all, I assumed and all that was left was a clump of gray fur from the rat. I was relieved they were gone. Irl we saw two mice in our house, which my cat ungraciously killed, beheading the second one when my other cat had already killed it discreetly 😳