Date: 10/20/2017
By YamiBakura
Somehow I and a girl that I know endet up in a train with Sherlock Holmes, Watson and another Person whos a friend of Holmes just in this dream who's name was Seth. Of course all this happened in the time where Sherlock Holmes lived according to the books. Suddenly the Train didn't stop at the stations and we saw the dead engine driver. We drove through a forest where we were attacked by something. It was a strange mixture of Devimon from Digimon and an angel. All in the train new that it is a monster that is summond by someone. (it works like capsule monsters from Yugioh: The monsters are captured in little capsules and if the capsules are shot with a special devise the monster comes out and does what you like him to do) Bc of our speed we escaped from the monster. After a while we could stop the train at a station. Then there was a court. (even if whe don't have a suspect). I and the girl sat next to Watson and Holmes but Seth wasn't there and nobody knew where he was. The girl tried to explain that we knew who it was and what happened bc we came from the future and theres a book about what happened. She wasn't able to express it properly. So I did it. I explained to the court that we are from the future and that there are books about the cases Sherlock Holmes solved. And explained that the one who summoned the monster was Seth and explained who the one was who hijacked the train. Of course nobody belived us. But Holmes at least knew that I'm right. then the Court was abjourned.