Assaulting a City by Drop Pods before Infiltrating and Enemy Camp and facing a Giant Monster as Starship Troopers Mobile Infantry...

Date: 5/14/2019

By AJacobs

This dream was basically in a war the entire time. I was in a giant floating spaceship/hovercraft must've been at least hundreds of feet off the ground. I was a team or squad leader. We dropped down into a city with some kind of drop pods and engaged soldiers that looked similar to us I believe. We were in black bodysuits and armor, perhaps similar to Halo marines from the earlier games. We fought and engaged hostiles all along this roadway. At some point, I must've reverted back to being on the airship. I think it was like a second chance because we failed the first time. There was an announcement and we all stopped and listened before hastening for the mission. I went to a door I thought would drop me in a drop pod, but it turned out to simply be a small corkscrewing spinning elevator able to fit one person down ten or fifteen feet to the ground. I watched one guy go in, then I went in, surprised we weren't high in the air, and descended to the ground. I stepped out, the LZ was indeed secure with boxes and crates out and people milling about. My platoon gathered up and we headed down the same main road I remembered fighting down before. Only this time, there was no contact being made to ignite a firefight. Eventually we reached a bridge or something running perpendicular to this road. We got off and took up positions on the right side of the road. The road was acting as a conveyor belt somehow and was slowly transporting soldiers down a ramp (the road went upwards) and past us along the road. Those troops wore suits similar to those that the Martian Marines wore in The Expanse (First Season). I was unsure if these were enemy troops or if there was a ceasefire or what. We just watched them pass, as did they. I began to notice some had red tinted visors while others were clear (I don't think any were blue). I began to suspect the red ones were the enemy. A firefight may have erupted, I'm not sure. I doubt it considering the following scene. The next section of the dream was us infiltrating the enemy's area. I think we just took the conveyor belt road and followed it the way those troops came from and we came to be in the middle of an enemy base camp on top of a building (possibly still along the road). I had some fear we would be discovered, but we fit right in pretending to be on their side. In this scene, many or most of the fellow soldiers here were my friends from high school primarily. We even went in these mobile bathroom cylindrical containers. There were like (clear) sliding or swinging doors (curved and shaped to fit the cylinder shape) which led to a step up with a sink in front of you, a urinal to your right, and then a step up to another urinal and a step up to a toilet stall to your left. I think I went to the urinal on the left, then unsuccessfully tried to close the bathroom doors to make it not visible and transparent, I was unsuccessful. And besides, I had already gone to the bathroom at that point. After that wonderful bathroom event, complete with a group of troops looking in, I went to talk to the commander. It was decided we would leave the base and keep following the road. I headed back past the bathroom telling our troops that we were moving out. There was a group of a few troops sitting at some chairs and crates talking which I got to and told last. As a definite point, I am sure they were wearing Shadow Drum and Bugle Marching Uniforms (I marched with them in the 2017 season of Drum Corps International). I turned back to the rest of the platoon, they had already headed down the road. I began running down after then despite my shoes being untied. I think I was conscious of the running and was specifically sprinting/running not hitting with the heel. Along the road and past the little encampment of the enemy was a long ramp down off this building. Now, we were definitely dressed as Mobile Infantry from the movie Starship Troopers. The troops also had adopted complete kill 'em all attitudes fitting of the costume. At the bottom of the ramp the road became dirt and sloped off the right. Straight ahead however, were piles and mounds of hundreds... No... Thousands of dead Mobile Infantry Troopers stacked at least twenty feet high. My platoon disappeared rushing between the piles. A giant 50+ foot tall monster with a gullet mouth. It walked on all fours and lumbered between the stacks I could see. I think i slowed my run after seeing that thing. The best description I can give is of is basically the magic card, galloping lizrog, but with longer legs and a larger body. It was like maybe twenty feet off the ground and massive, and I saw it from a distance. Here's a picture of Galloping Lizrog: As I grew close to the mass of dead bodies I heard screams, yells, and gunfire. I rounded the corner of corpses to see the monster scooping up a dozen members of my platoon in the middle of it's teeth. Its teeth ringed its mouth. The outline of the mouth was pointed towards the front. Its teeth were basically giant molars. These teeth were as wide as a wide Twin sized bed. Maybe a little over three feet wide. The people feet in the lowered middle indented portion of the monster's molars (teeth). They were screaming and I noticed in front of me on a small pile, was a man filming the whole thing. The monster tilted its head to the right and the soldiers hung on to each other falling down those molars. They were screaming before stopping... Then there was laughter and people milling about... this had been a movie set... interesting... and confusing...