Digital art, Generate an image of a person collapsed on the floor in the middle of a store aisle, surrounded by coworkers trying to help them.

Time loss

Date: 4/8/2023

By Jadders

I was at work with Adam. We were just finishing up a recovery of the store. It was just the two of us. We're in the middle of finishing up the first isle, it's the last one we have to do. The next thing I know, within the space of a blink, I'm sitting in the office on the desk. Adam and his mum were there, taking little glances at me and then talking to themselves. Unaware on how or when I got there. In confusion, I just say hi? Adam and his mum turned to me and kept asking if I was okay, I replied I'm fine, why? What's happened? They both seemed in shock and really worried about me. Anne asked me what's the last thing I remembered is, and I sat and thought about it for a little while, but all I knew was I was doing recovery down the first aisle, then I was in the office. I couldn't tell you how much time had passed. Felt like no time at all. I asked how I got to the office as I don't remember leaving the shop floor. Did I hit my head? Adam then told me I needed to watch the cctv. As we were watching it back, he was telling me how things happened. "Look, you just collapsed to the floor out of nowhere. You had some sort of fit and woke up. See there, you just start to freak out. You were screaming and just bolted to the warehouse. I rang for my mum to come and help while you were on the floor, then chased after you to the warehouse. I asked you what was wrong, and you said something about monster spider meatballs. I couldn't make much sense of it, but I figured you were hallucinating or something as you were scared for your life. You see that? I thought it was best to try and talk to this thing you were seeing so I could get you away from. That way, you could calm down. That worked until you got to the office door. In a panic, you tripped backwards, screaming at me to get it off you. As you can see, there isn't anything on you, then you started having a massive fit. You were fitting as my mum got here, so I ran to the door to let her in. You were still going by the time we got back to you. When you finally awoke from that, we helped you up, but you were in, probably what I would say is a zombie state. So we sat you down on the counter. You were just staring off into space. It was as if the lights were on, but no one was home. You've only just now come around. Do you not remember any of that?" I sat thinking for a little, but no. "I don't remember any of it, I just feel tired. I see Anne was stood there and I didnt want to sound stupid by asking when did she get there, as I didn't want you to think I don't pay attention but I just couldn't remember. How long ago was this?" Adam. "About half an hour ago," Me. "I've managed to lose 30 minutes, I don't remember any of it! What if this isn't the first time it's happened? Things are always changing around me, and I never know how they happen. I just accept it and carry on as if nothing happened." Anne.- I think you've been having blackouts, Jade. I don't think you should drive home, I can take you up to the hospital instead. " Me.- No, I'm okay, thanks, I'll just walk home Adam.- Then we will walk with you to make sure you're okay Me. I'm fine, tho- Anne.- -no your not. You might not remember, but we do. You are not okay, Jade. We are here to help you, okay? It might seem harsh, but you are going to the hospital, and I am taking you Adam.- Yes mate, you're coming with us, okay? We will see that you get help. They take me by the arms and start to walk me out of the store. Since waking up, I know everything. I got dissy and fell to the floor when doing the recovery on the first aisle. I woke up from being on the floor, Adam helped me sit up and asked if I was okay. I was about to answer but I saw at the end of the aisle there was a really big gooey meatball spider. It scared me, so I ran towards the warehouse. I was screaming for it to stay away from me. Adam came running along following, not understanding why I'm in so much distress. I tried to tell him. He told me there is nothing there, I need to calm down, but I can't calm down because I can still see it and how it keeps getting closer to me. Adam then says to me, "Let's go to the office, shall we. If you walk behind me, we will face the monster together and walk backwards to the door. I'll put the code in, we can both go through it, and it won't be able to get through, okay? I promise, " I nod while weeping a little. Adam asks, "Where is it now?" I reply, "It's right in front of us." he tells the big spider to stay back. He just keeps saying that until we have gotten behind the door. "I'll open the office door, and we can sit in here for a little bit, okay?" I reply with a shaky okay as I'm walking backwards from the door we've just come through. The spider has come right up to the window of the door. It's not trying to get in. It's more as if it was just mocking me. Adam asked if I was coming in, so I turned around, and there was a smaller one in the hallway. I scream for Adam, but I trip over my own feet, walking backwards in a panic. I'm laying with my back on the floor as this smaller big spider crawls on top of me. I'm screaming at Adam to get it off of me. The meatball spider reaches out with two of its sharp, pointy legs and puts them straight into my ears. I remember it making me pass out. Then I just remember I'm then sitting on the desk in the office. Dazed, confused, and exhausted

AI generated interpretation This dream reveals the unconscious fear and anxiety that the dreamer may have about losing control in their waking life. The idea of losing time and having gaps in memory could represent a fear of not being present and aware in important moments of one's life. The presence of the spider can be a symbol for a fear of being overwhelmed by a situation or circumstance that seems out of control. The spider could also be an indication of some situation or feeling that the dreamer is trying to avoid or run away from. The fact that the dreamer is being taken to a hospital at the end of the dream suggests a need for help and support from others during this difficult time. Overall, this dream may be a reflection of the dreamer's underlying anxiety and a need for support and guidance in dealing with their feelings and fears.