Bank shooting

Date: 10/19/2022

By Juliaaramini

My class was taking a field trip to a bank for some reason, and this guy from my class that we thought was absent came in and started shooting people. Everyone started running and freaking out and hiding. This went on for a while, and I managed to escape. After I escaped I looked back inside the lobby and a classmate had managed to grab one of his guns and was in a standoff, but the shooter shot him as well. I started running and called the cops, and they assured me that they’d be on their way. I heard people screaming inside and I felt so guilty that I was the only one that got out that I decided to go back in and start getting people out. I got almost everyone that I could find out, and it was just me and three other people. We heard him coming and hid in different spots. Mine wasn’t very good and he found me pretty fast. Before he could shoot me I casually said “oh hey *name*! How’s your day been?” Which really threw him off guard. He wasn’t holding a gun this time but one of those sticks you can hit people with. I said “woahhh that’s a cool stick, it’s like the ones cops have! Where’d you get it?” He seemed even more confused, then I woke up. The time that passed between me calling the cops and me waking up was about an hour in dream time so I guess they never came (even in my subconscious they behave like this).