bear investment scheme and terrorist meme instagram account

Date: 9/6/2016

By infinnatejoy

my dad and i are doing drugs together in a platz in front of a building with a bunch of other berliners late at night he shoots heroin intravenously and i take a huge tab of acid we stumble through the berlin streets he disappears and i am with laila, and we go together to a restaurant to use the bathroom we are holding hands and laughing and a scary man in blackface with tape under his brown makeup to exaggerate his cheeks tells us to follow his racist terrorism memes account as soon as we do, scary DMs start to appear that say like coordinates and code words for operations i realize that the revolution is happening in secret, governments cold war battling it out in the secret encrypted chat of instagram this thoight makes me sick and i remember the acid and stumble into a bathroom stall where i stsrt to violently vomit and diarrhea laila smokes a cigaratte and laughs and comforts me and i'm really grateful she id there there is a really horrible and frightening doom feeling hanging over us and the man has taken of his racist outfit and start to bang on the door she cleans me up and takes my hand and together we shove him out of the way, really hard so he hits the wall and looks like he is going to fight us we run out as he yells at us about wanting us to be main investors in his company that sells blue polyester teddy bears, another confusing front for some governemnt action against "terrorism", which in the dream i know is just some evil backschemey excuse to be greedy again and hurt people as we run away from him all the shop windows start to fill with blue bears and i am crying and sxreaming but then laila hugs me and our two lesbian friends come (this cute girl on instagram who goes to art school and this hot pakistani blogger that i like) and they are all friends and we all walk arm in arm, them shielding me from the street yusra says "what made me the most angry was the way he held salt, which is actually supposed to be a sacred object" and daisy tries to situate her arm around me properly, in an awkward but cute way :-)