Date: 3/1/2019
By TorySteel
I though I was going to found out and get arrested for missing first period over 100+ days let's just say if there was 200 days off school I only went to my first period 5 if even have to remember what was my first period and I don't know if it's important but it was English. Then when I went to confront to ask what could happen if I didn't go to those classes that's when they said I wouldn't graduates, etc. As we are walking in the school I've dreamed of before very wide open area that have stairs going to the second floor on both the right and left making the upstairs almost look circular. When I walked downstairs to the corridor I met with two girl friends and I told them how I might get in trouble but then it hit me I said why would I care I already graduated in just here to get the senior year experience I never received. Then one girl said how could I do that and I can't remember what part she was upset at. All of a sudden were sitting down and then I see in the distance a mushroom cloud and I knew what that meant we're about to die. When I see the ground moving and the wind picking up speed I cover the girl who asked me the question eyes while I'm wearing gloves and the windows shatter and as I'm shutting my eyes I see all the glass break and the bright light coming in from behind. The girl said she was afraid and I said it's going to be over in a bit and as I can feel her crying I feel the light burning and get screaming and it's so powerful from the wind I guess I feel as time is going down and I'm experiencing my last moments I feel myself get pushed face down but while this is happening my hands are burning my whole body is in fire from the initial hit and I can feel pain running up my whole body and I think well I can enjoy my last 7 minutes alive because doctors believe that when you for your brain is still active for seven minutes and I know if I'm being blown up it's not true but hey it's a dream. As I feel the pain coursing through my body and I thought my last thought I see the white light and for a second I'm in the white light and then I woke up. I say I'm my bad for 30 rethinking what just happened and the first thing I do is feel my hands and as I'm touching them they felt sore like I smashed them last night with a hammer.