Floating Dioramas, Monsters, High Highways, and Soccer Volleyball... with a Basketball, and a large House

Date: 4/5/2020

By AJacobs

Earlier I remember being on a floating raft thing, I think there were miniature town dioramas and such... Eva was cultivating one I think. We drove around in boats... I think there was a point where there was an implied monster under the water. There were horror parts of boating around too... Later, I think my mom (driving), myself, and some other people were driving in a car on a highway then an exit ramp... It was extremely high... I saw and commented, oh, that's where Ron of Japan is (although it took me a little bit just now to remember that name, maybe in dream I said Royal Thai or something while still thinking of Ron of Japan). Then the last segment of the dream was like at a house in Wind Lake. Doing stuff outside in the backyard against the lake... Then at a point most people went inside. I kept playing soccer volleyball... interesting... with Amodh and someone, I think Ishan was doing something to my left. There was a volleyball net but we were kicking around two balls... that looked like basketballs at least when they went to far and ended up in the water at some point. I was wearing socks and they were already sopping wet even though I was at the high point in the grass. For that note, the net was super high for them but low for me since there's a big slope right there. I glance in the window to see that I think Eva is sitting at the table. So then I decide to turn in and go inside... They house layout is a lot of really small rooms... with lots of lamps and lights... I walk into this little room area, Eva and a table to the left (her mom too?). I make a point to look curiously around as if I didn't recognize the place and haven't been here much... because I haven't, and besides, it is way different. I come into the kitchen where my mom is a bit manic (overhappy) and next to my grandparents who are neutral faced and sitting. Then my mom says how during New Years they were able to stay here or something, and she takes me on a little tour/walks me around the house. I was aware basically of my parent's separation in dream, which is why it was weird and she was manic. Soooooo many little rooms and lamps and lights. I clicked a flat light which turned on a bird light. Next to another one already on (Left side of hallway). We were going counterclockwise through the house... the next room had blue lights hanging from the ceiling that had like a lens bloom effect... on my eyes... interesting... On the left was a pretty big staircase upwards... I think I woke up there.