my loves die (robbery, uni, coco?)

Date: 5/4/2021

By juulianjuice

this ones a weird one which is why i’m bothering to write it down. i was with johnny (ex/first love) and i think one other person perhaps? we were driving what was i believe more like mark’s (current bf who’s similar to ex) volvo. johnny was getting me from uni to go back to the city with him. it was a different route than what it would’ve been in reality. we drove to a little gas station. i saw some really pretty bouquets, one specifically caught my eye. it was made up of wildflowers which is my favourite kind of bouquet in general but this one was exceptionally pretty. very detailed and gorgeous flowers. I said this out loaded and i could tell johnny was thinking of getting them for me. they were 128$ i guess because of how rare these purple yellow flowers must have been. i could tell johnny wanted to take them anyway to impress me or others. so he picked up the bouquet and went to walk out, when we all noticed an officer at the front of the door. instead of playing cool or remaining in the store till he left at least, johnny tried to run past him but running just made the cop chase him. so he was followed and arrested for theft and i tnink a few other things having to do with him not owning the car he drove. i didn’t see him after he ran out of the store at all but he was just whisked away by the officer and his car was towed. me and whoever else i was with were like shit... we’re stuck here. the girl working the counter was a young brunette women, and she seemed to feel bad. she let us hangout in the store and have fun. i don’t remember what happened from here but the next thing i remember was being at marks grave. johnny had died and this like shifted into mark? it’s as if they were the same person or something like because johnny was dead so was mark because they were the same, yet different ? i felt so so sad in marks death and all i could picture was his large torso and how i wouldn’t be able to cuddle up into his warm chest anymore. for some reason the thought of not being able to sit into mark and be held by him was upsetting me the most. the dream suddenly switches and idk if i’m back in time or ahead in time but i believe back. i’m at uni, this time mark is getting me but he came up for a night first. we spoke of the gas station incident so he knows it happened but it feels like it happened in a different reality or something. my res and the entire campus looks different then it should. i didn’t wanna go in because i realized my bedroom would be fully empty and i thought to myself i’d have to sleep in todo my neighbours room until i realized i couldn’t bring mark there. we go in and i end up feeling like i’m in my room, in the dark laying opposite on my bed. this was just a random flashy memory that got into the dream where i was just picturing my room with all the lights and such and i just was viewing it for a moment. then i’m in someone else’s room which truly doesn’t exist in real life. me mark and like 4-5 of my friends r in there watching tv and eatting shitty meal hall food. me and keisha r messing around and kinda play fighting and we decide we need to go somewhere to get a mask. she finds one and i was about to walk past the huh on first floor when i noticed a lady with a laptop on in there. i coudknt let her see me without a mask so i send keisha in to look for one for me in there. she finds a cheeta print one. i take it and go to head up the stairs. i remember after arguing w mark kinda trying to figure out how we were gonna leave res and get home safely. it was bizarre and didn’t make much sense. finally the dreams switches to something completely different again, different setting, problems, time, etc. i’m living somewhere not familiar to me in real life. i seem to live alone in like an apartment or something. coco my cat is with me. i’m holding the phone to my ear using my shoulder like they do in movies. i think i’m talking to abbey. abbey is telling me about how she cares for her cats. i hear what she says and i put coco into my brita. she seems to shrink slightly when she’s inside it. she sorta of swims around a and her heads floats ahead the water. abbey tells me something or other about how’s she takes care of her cats in this specific way cause it’s best for them. i pour the brita into a war dish while coco is still in it, then i pour water over some of her dry kibble. then i open the brita and pour little wet coco out. i put her in front of her food dishes and she drinks and eats the food immediately. i remember thinking, “that’s a really good way to get her daily water intake”. then i woke up cuz i think my subconscious was like wtf r we talking about anymore.